var ot=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global<"u"?global:typeof self<"u"?self:{};function G(t){return t&&t.__esModule&&,"default")?t.default:t}function ut(t){if(t.__esModule)return t;var e=t.default;if(typeof e=="function"){var r=function n(){return this instanceof n?Reflect.construct(e,arguments,this.constructor):e.apply(this,arguments)};r.prototype=e.prototype}else r={};return Object.defineProperty(r,"__esModule",{value:!0}),Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n){var s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n);Object.defineProperty(r,n,s.get?s:{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[n]}})}),r}function J(t,e){var r=0,n,s;e=e||{};function a(){var o=n,l=arguments.length,d,c;t:for(;o;){if(o.args.length!==arguments.length){;continue}for(c=0;c=0),f.type){case"b":i=parseInt(i,10).toString(2);break;case"c":i=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(i,10));break;case"d":case"i":i=parseInt(i,10);break;case"j":i=JSON.stringify(i,null,f.width?parseInt(f.width):0);break;case"e":i=f.precision?parseFloat(i).toExponential(f.precision):parseFloat(i).toExponential();break;case"f":i=f.precision?parseFloat(i).toFixed(f.precision):parseFloat(i);break;case"g":i=f.precision?String(Number(i.toPrecision(f.precision))):parseFloat(i);break;case"o":i=(parseInt(i,10)>>>0).toString(8);break;case"s":i=String(i),i=f.precision?i.substring(0,f.precision):i;break;case"t":i=String(!!i),i=f.precision?i.substring(0,f.precision):i;break;case"T",-1).toLowerCase(),i=f.precision?i.substring(0,f.precision):i;break;case"u":i=parseInt(i,10)>>>0;break;case"v":i=i.valueOf(),i=f.precision?i.substring(0,f.precision):i;break;case"x":i=(parseInt(i,10)>>>0).toString(16);break;case"X":i=(parseInt(i,10)>>>0).toString(16).toUpperCase();break}e.json.test(f.type)?w+=i:(e.number.test(f.type)&&(!S||f.sign)?(u=S?"+":"-",i=i.toString().replace(e.sign,"")):u="",m=f.pad_char?f.pad_char==="0"?"0":f.pad_char.charAt(1):" ",E=f.width-(u+i).length,A=f.width&&E>0?m.repeat(E):"",w+=f.align?u+i+A:m==="0"?u+A+i:A+u+i)}return w}var a=Object.create(null);function o(l){if(a[l])return a[l];for(var d=l,c,_=[],i=0;d;){if((c=e.text.exec(d))!==null)_.push(c[0]);else if((c=e.modulo.exec(d))!==null)_.push("%");else if((c=e.placeholder.exec(d))!==null){if(c[2]){i|=1;var w=[],y=c[2],x=[];if((x=e.key.exec(y))!==null)for(w.push(x[1]);(y=y.substring(x[0].length))!=="";)if((x=e.key_access.exec(y))!==null)w.push(x[1]);else if((x=e.index_access.exec(y))!==null)w.push(x[1]);else throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");else throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");c[2]=w}else i|=2;if(i===3)throw new Error("[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported");_.push({placeholder:c[0],param_no:c[1],keys:c[2],sign:c[3],pad_char:c[4],align:c[5],width:c[6],precision:c[7],type:c[8]})}else throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] unexpected placeholder");d=d.substring(c[0].length)}return a[l]=_}t.sprintf=r,t.vsprintf=n,typeof window<"u"&&(window.sprintf=r,window.vsprintf=n)})()})(K);const q=G(K),B=J(console.error);function at(t,...e){try{return q.sprintf(t,...e)}catch(r){return r instanceof Error&&B(`sprintf error:
`+r.toString()),t}}var k,U,O,X;k={"(":9,"!":8,"*":7,"/":7,"%":7,"+":6,"-":6,"<":5,"<=":5,">":5,">=":5,"==":4,"!=":4,"&&":3,"||":2,"?":1,"?:":1};U=["(","?"];O={")":["("],":":["?","?:"]};X=/<=|>=|==|!=|&&|\|\||\?:|\(|!|\*|\/|%|\+|-|<|>|\?|\)|:/;function Q(t){for(var e=[],r=[],n,s,a,o;n=t.match(X);){for(s=n[0],a=t.substr(0,n.index).trim(),a&&e.push(a);o=r.pop();){if(O[s]){if(O[s][0]===o){s=O[s][1]||s;break}}else if(U.indexOf(o)>=0||k[o]":function(t,e){return t>e},">=":function(t,e){return t>=e},"==":function(t,e){return t===e},"!=":function(t,e){return t!==e},"&&":function(t,e){return t&&e},"||":function(t,e){return t||e},"?:":function(t,e,r){if(t)throw e;return r}};function W(t,e){var r=[],n,s,a,o,l,d;for(n=0;n{const n=new D({}),s=new Set,a=()=>{s.forEach(u=>u())},o=u=>(s.add(u),()=>s.delete(u)),l=(u="default")=>[u],d=(u,p="default")=>{var h;[p]={[p],...u},[p][""]={...L[""],...([p])==null?void 0:h[""]},delete n.pluralForms[p]},c=(u,p)=>{d(u,p),a()},_=(u,p="default")=>{var h;[p]={[p],...u,"":{...L[""],...([p])==null?void 0:h[""],...u==null?void 0:u[""]}},delete n.pluralForms[p],a()},i=(u,p)=>{{},n.pluralForms={},c(u,p)},w=(u="default",p,h,b,v)=>([u]||d(void 0,u),n.dcnpgettext(u,p,h,b,v)),y=(u="default")=>u,x=(u,p)=>{let h=w(p,void 0,u);return r?(h=r.applyFilters("i18n.gettext",h,u,p),r.applyFilters("i18n.gettext_"+y(p),h,u,p)):h},f=(u,p,h)=>{let b=w(h,p,u);return r?(b=r.applyFilters("i18n.gettext_with_context",b,u,p,h),r.applyFilters("i18n.gettext_with_context_"+y(h),b,u,p,h)):b},A=(u,p,h,b)=>{let v=w(b,void 0,u,p,h);return r?(v=r.applyFilters("i18n.ngettext",v,u,p,h,b),r.applyFilters("i18n.ngettext_"+y(b),v,u,p,h,b)):v},m=(u,p,h,b,v)=>{let F=w(v,b,u,p,h);return r?(F=r.applyFilters("i18n.ngettext_with_context",F,u,p,h,b,v),r.applyFilters("i18n.ngettext_with_context_"+y(v),F,u,p,h,b,v)):F},E=()=>f("ltr","text direction")==="rtl",S=(u,p,h)=>{var F,j;const b=p?p+""+u:u;let v=!!((j=( 0:F[h??"default"])!=null&&j[b]);return r&&(v=r.applyFilters("i18n.has_translation",v,u,p,h),v=r.applyFilters("i18n.has_translation_"+y(h),v,u,p,h)),v};if(r){const u=p=>{et.test(p)&&a()};r.addAction("hookAdded","core/i18n",u),r.addAction("hookRemoved","core/i18n",u)}return{getLocaleData:l,setLocaleData:c,addLocaleData:_,resetLocaleData:i,subscribe:o,__:x,_x:f,_n:A,_nx:m,isRTL:E,hasTranslation:S}};function Z(t){return typeof t!="string"||t===""?(console.error("The namespace must be a non-empty string."),!1):/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/]*$/.test(t)?!0:(console.error("The namespace can only contain numbers, letters, dashes, periods, underscores and slashes."),!1)}function R(t){return typeof t!="string"||t===""?(console.error("The hook name must be a non-empty string."),!1):/^__/.test(t)?(console.error("The hook name cannot begin with `__`."),!1):/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/.test(t)?!0:(console.error("The hook name can only contain numbers, letters, dashes, periods and underscores."),!1)}function P(t,e){return function(n,s,a,o=10){const l=t[e];if(!R(n)||!Z(s))return;if(typeof a!="function"){console.error("The hook callback must be a function.");return}if(typeof o!="number"){console.error("If specified, the hook priority must be a number.");return}const d={callback:a,priority:o,namespace:s};if(l[n]){const c=l[n].handlers;let _;for(_=c.length;_>0&&!(o>=c[_-1].priority);_--);_===c.length?c[_]=d:c.splice(_,0,d),l.__current.forEach(i=>{>=_&&i.currentIndex++})}else l[n]={handlers:[d],runs:0};n!=="hookAdded"&&t.doAction("hookAdded",n,s,a,o)}}function T(t,e,r=!1){return function(s,a){const o=t[e];if(!R(s)||!r&&!Z(a))return;if(!o[s])return 0;let l=0;if(r)l=o[s].handlers.length,o[s]={runs:o[s].runs,handlers:[]};else{const d=o[s].handlers;for(let c=d.length-1;c>=0;c--)d[c].namespace===a&&(d.splice(c,1),l++,o.__current.forEach(_=>{>=c&&_.currentIndex--}))}return s!=="hookRemoved"&&t.doAction("hookRemoved",s,a),l}}function I(t,e){return function(n,s){const a=t[e];return typeof s<"u"?n in a&&a[n].handlers.some(o=>o.namespace===s):n in a}}function z(t,e,r=!1){return function(s,...a){const o=t[e];o[s]||(o[s]={handlers:[],runs:0}),o[s].runs++;const l=o[s].handlers;if(!l||!l.length)return r?a[0]:void 0;const d={name:s,currentIndex:0};for(o.__current.push(d);d.currentIndex"u"?typeof s.__current[0]<"u":s.__current[0]?n===s.__current[0].name:!1}}function $(t,e){return function(n){const s=t[e];if(R(n))return s[n]&&s[n].runs?s[n].runs:0}}class rt{constructor(){this.actions=Object.create(null),this.actions.__current=[],this.filters=Object.create(null),this.filters.__current=[],this.addAction=P(this,"actions"),this.addFilter=P(this,"filters"),this.removeAction=T(this,"actions"),this.removeFilter=T(this,"filters"),this.hasAction=I(this,"actions"),this.hasFilter=I(this,"filters"),this.removeAllActions=T(this,"actions",!0),this.removeAllFilters=T(this,"filters",!0),this.doAction=z(this,"actions"),this.applyFilters=z(this,"filters",!0),this.currentAction=C(this,"actions"),this.currentFilter=C(this,"filters"),this.doingAction=M(this,"actions"),this.doingFilter=M(this,"filters"),this.didAction=$(this,"actions"),this.didFilter=$(this,"filters")}}function it(){return new rt}const st=it(),g=nt(void 0,void 0,st);g.getLocaleData.bind(g);const ct=g.setLocaleData.bind(g);g.resetLocaleData.bind(g);g.subscribe.bind(g);const lt=g.__.bind(g);g._x.bind(g);const ft=g._n.bind(g);g._nx.bind(g);const pt=g.isRTL.bind(g);g.hasTranslation.bind(g);export{lt as _,at as a,ft as b,ot as c,ut as d,G as g,pt as i,ct as s};
.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-customer-details .woocommerce-column__title,.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details .woocommerce-order-details__title,.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order-received-title-common{background:0 0;border:0;font-size:1.5em;padding-right:0;padding-left:0;padding-top:0;font-weight:600}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order{max-width:800px;margin:0 auto}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-thankyou-order-received{text-align:center;margin:1.5em auto 2em;padding:1em 0;font-weight:600;font-size:large}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order ul.woocommerce-order-overview{color:inherit;padding:1.5em 1.5em 1em 1.5em;background:var(--ast-global-color-4);margin:2.5em auto 3em}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order ul.woocommerce-order-overview li{display:inline-block;line-height:inherit;margin:0 1.5em;padding:0;border-bottom:0 none;border-left:0;overflow:visible;font-size:1em;text-transform:none}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order ul.woocommerce-order-overview li strong{font-size:inherit;font-weight:400;color:var(--ast-global-color-1)}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table{border-style:hidden;border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--ast-border-color)}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr td,.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr th{padding:1.5em 1.2em 1.5em 1.2em;line-height:1.4em;border-color:var(--ast-border-color);font-weight:400;border-left:0}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr td a{color:var(--ast-global-color-3)}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr td:nth-last-child(1),.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr th:nth-last-child(1){text-align:left}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr td:nth-last-child(1) .amount,.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tr th:nth-last-child(1) .amount{font-weight:400}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table thead tr th{padding:1em 1.2em 1em 1.2em;font-weight:500}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tfoot tr:nth-last-child(1) td,.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tfoot tr:nth-last-child(1) th{font-size:large;padding:1em 1.2em 1em 1em;border-bottom:0}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tfoot tr:nth-last-child(1) th{font-weight:600}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-order-details table.shop_table tfoot tr:nth-last-child(1) .amount{font-weight:700}.woocommerce-checkout.woocommerce-order-received .woocommerce-order .woocommerce-customer-details address{border:0;padding:0}/**
* Send an action over AJAX. A wrapper around jQuery.ajax. In future, all consumers can be reviewed to simplify some of the options, where there is historical cruft.
* N.B. updraft_iframe_modal() below uses the AJAX URL for the iframe's src attribute
* @param {string} action - the action to send
* @param {*} data - data to send
* @param {Function} callback - if specified, will be called with the results
* @param {object} options -further options. Relevant properties include:
* - [json_parse=true] - whether to JSON parse the results
* - [alert_on_error=true] - whether to show an alert box if there was a problem (otherwise, suppress it)
* - [action='updraft_ajax'] - what to send as the action parameter on the AJAX request (N.B. action parameter to this function goes as the 'subaction' parameter on the AJAX request)
* - [nonce=updraft_credentialtest_nonce] - the nonce value to send.
* - [nonce_key='nonce'] - the key value for the nonce field
* - [timeout=null] - set a timeout after this number of seconds (or if null, none is set)
* - [async=true] - control whether the request is asynchronous (almost always wanted) or blocking (would need to have a specific reason)
* - [type='POST'] - GET or POST
function updraft_send_command(action, data, callback, options) {
default_options = {
json_parse: true,
alert_on_error: true,
action: 'updraft_ajax',
nonce: updraft_credentialtest_nonce,
nonce_key: 'nonce',
timeout: null,
async: true,
type: 'POST'
if ('undefined' === typeof options) options = {};
for (var opt in default_options) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { options[opt] = default_options[opt]; }
var ajax_data = {
action: options.action,
subaction: action,
ajax_data[options.nonce_key] = options.nonce;
// TODO: Once all calls are routed through here, change the listener in admin.php to always take the data from the 'data' attribute, instead of in the naked $_POST/$_GET
if (typeof data == 'object') {
for (var attrname in data) { ajax_data[attrname] = data[attrname]; }
} else {
ajax_data.action_data = data;
var ajax_opts = {
type: options.type,
url: ajaxurl,
data: ajax_data,
success: function(response, status) {
if (options.json_parse) {
try {
var resp = ud_parse_json(response);
} catch (e) {
if ('function' == typeof options.error_callback) {
return options.error_callback(response, e, 502, resp);
} else {
if (options.alert_on_error) {
if ('string' === typeof response && response.match(/security\scheck\s?/i)) response += ' (' + updraftlion.expired_tokens + ' ' + updraftlion.reload_page + ')';
alert(updraftlion.unexpectedresponse+' '+response);
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
if ('function' == typeof options.error_callback) {
// 500 is internal server error code
return options.error_callback(response, status, 500, resp);
} else {
if (options.alert_on_error) { alert(resp.fatal_error_message); }
return false;
if ('function' == typeof callback) callback(resp, status, response);
} else {
if ('function' == typeof callback) callback(response, status);
error: function(response, status, error_code) {
if ('function' == typeof options.error_callback) {
options.error_callback(response, status, error_code);
} else {
console.log("updraft_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")");
dataType: 'text',
async: options.async
if (null != options.timeout) { ajax_opts.timeout = options.timeout; }
* Opens the dialog box for confirmation of whether to delete a backup, plus options if relevant
* @param {string} key - The UNIX timestamp of the backup
* @param {string} nonce - The backup job ID
* @param {boolean} showremote - Whether or not to show the "also delete from remote storage?" checkbox
function updraft_delete(key, nonce, showremote) {
if (showremote) {
jQuery('#updraft-delete-remote-section, #updraft_delete_remote').prop('disabled', false).show();
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-delete-remote-section, #updraft_delete_remote').hide().attr('disabled','disabled');
if (key.indexOf(',') > -1) {
} else {
function updraft_remote_storage_tab_activation(the_method){
jQuery('.remote-tab').data('active', false);
jQuery('.remote-tab-'+the_method).data('active', true);
* Scroll to a specific remote storage configuration by adding the #remote-storage-{method_name} anchor hash to the URL.
function updraft_scroll_to_remote_storage_config() {
var url_hash_match = window.location.hash.match(/#remote-storage-([A-Za-z]+)/);
if (url_hash_match && updraftlion.remote_storage_methods[url_hash_match[1]]) {
if (jQuery('.updraft_servicecheckbox').hasClass('multi')) {
* Set up the remote storage configuration link to handle the click event. When it is clicked from the UDP settings page, we need to reopen the settings tab before scrolling to the remote storage configuration section.
function updraft_setup_remote_storage_config_link() {
jQuery('.updraftplus-remote-storage-link').on('click', function(e) {
if ('settings' == {
window.location.href = jQuery(this).attr('href');
* Set the email report's setting to a different interface when email storage is selected
* @param {boolean} value True to set the email report setting to another interface, false otherwise
function set_email_report_storage_interface(value) {
jQuery('#cb_not_email_storage_label').css('display', true === value ? 'none' : 'inline');
jQuery('#cb_email_storage_label').css('display', true === value ? 'inline' : 'none');
if (true === value) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon input#updraft_email').on('click', function(e) {
return false;
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon input#updraft_email').prop("onclick", null).off("click");
if (!jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon input#updraft_email').is(':checked')) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon input#updraft_email').prop('checked', value);
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon input#updraft_email').prop('disabled', value);
var updraft_email = jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon input#updraft_email').val();
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon label.email_report input[type="hidden"]').remove();
if (true === value) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon label.email_report input#updraft_email').after('');
* Check how many cron jobs are overdue, and display a message if it is several (as determined by the back-end)
function updraft_check_overduecrons() {
updraft_send_command('check_overdue_crons', null, function(response) {
if (response && response.hasOwnProperty('m') && Array.isArray(response.m)) {
for (var i in response.m) {
}, { alert_on_error: false });
function updraft_remote_storage_tabs_setup() {
var anychecked = 0;
var set = jQuery('.updraft_servicecheckbox:checked');
jQuery(set).each(function(ind, obj) {
var ser = jQuery(obj).val();
if (jQuery(obj).attr('id') != 'updraft_servicecheckbox_none') {
if (ind == jQuery(set).length-1) {
if (anychecked > 0) {
} else {
// To allow labelauty remote storage buttons to be used with keyboard
jQuery(document).on('keyup', function(event) {
if (32 === event.keyCode || 13 === event.keyCode) {
if (jQuery(document.activeElement).is("input.labelauty + label")) {
var for_box = jQuery(document.activeElement).attr("for");
if (for_box) {
jQuery('.updraft_servicecheckbox').on('change', function() {
var sclass = jQuery(this).attr('id');
if ('updraft_servicecheckbox_' == sclass.substring(0,24)) {
var serv = sclass.substring(24);
if (null != serv && '' != serv) {
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked')) {
if (jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon').length && 'email' === serv) set_email_report_storage_interface(true);
} else {
// Check if this was the active tab, if yes, switch to another
if (jQuery('.remote-tab-'+serv).data('active') == true) {
if (jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_report_row_no_addon').length && 'email' === serv) set_email_report_storage_interface(false);
if (anychecked <= 0) {
} else {
// Add stuff for free version
jQuery('.updraft_servicecheckbox:not(.multi)').on('change', function() {
var svalue = jQuery(this).attr('value');
if (jQuery(this).is(':not(:checked)')) {
} else {
jQuery('.updraft_servicecheckbox').not(this).prop('checked', false);
if ('email' === svalue) {
var servicecheckbox = jQuery('.updraft_servicecheckbox');
if (typeof servicecheckbox.labelauty === 'function') {
var $vault_label = jQuery('label[for=updraft_servicecheckbox_updraftvault]');
var $vault_info = jQuery('
* Carries out a remote storage test
* @param {string} method - The identifier for the remote storage
* @param {callback} result_callback - A callback function to be called with the result
* @param {string} instance_id - The particular instance (if any) of the remote storage to be tested (for methods supporting multiple instances)
function updraft_remote_storage_test(method, result_callback, instance_id) {
var $the_button;
var settings_selector;
if (instance_id) {
$the_button = jQuery('#updraft-'+method+'-test-'+instance_id);
settings_selector = '.updraftplusmethod.'+method+'-'+instance_id;
} else {
$the_button = jQuery('#updraft-'+method+'-test');
settings_selector = '.updraftplusmethod.'+method;
var method_label = $'method_label');
$the_button.html(updraftlion.testing_settings.replace('%s', method_label));
var data = {
method: method
// Add the other items to the data object. The expert mode settings are for the generic SSL options.
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content '+settings_selector+' input[data-updraft_settings_test], #updraft-navtab-settings-content .expertmode input[data-updraft_settings_test]').each(function(index, item) {
var item_key = jQuery(item).data('updraft_settings_test');
var input_type = jQuery(item).attr('type');
if (!item_key) { return; }
if (!input_type) {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: settings test input item with no type found");
// A default
input_type = 'text';
var value = null;
if ('checkbox' == input_type) {
value = jQuery(item).is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
} else if ('text' == input_type || 'password' == input_type || 'hidden' == input_type) {
value = jQuery(item).val();
} else {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: settings test input item with unrecognised type ("+input_type+") found");
data[item_key] = value;
// Data from any text areas or select drop-downs
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content '+settings_selector+' textarea[data-updraft_settings_test], #updraft-navtab-settings-content '+settings_selector+' select[data-updraft_settings_test]').each(function(index, item) {
var item_key = jQuery(item).data('updraft_settings_test');
data[item_key] = jQuery(item).val();
updraft_send_command('test_storage_settings', data, function(response, status) {
$the_button.html(updraftlion.test_settings.replace('%s', method_label));
if ('undefined' !== typeof result_callback && false != result_callback) {
result_callback =, response, status, data);
if ('undefined' !== typeof result_callback && false === result_callback) {
alert(updraftlion.settings_test_result.replace('%s', method_label)+' '+response.output);
if (response.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
}, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
$the_button.html(updraftlion.test_settings.replace('%s', method_label));
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
} else {
var error_message = "updraft_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")";
function backupnow_whichfiles_checked(onlythesefileentities){
jQuery('#backupnow_includefiles_moreoptions input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(index) {
if (!jQuery(this).is(':checked')) { return; }
var name = jQuery(this).attr('name');
if (name.substring(0, 16) != 'updraft_include_') { return; }
var entity = name.substring(16);
if (onlythesefileentities != '') { onlythesefileentities += ','; }
onlythesefileentities += entity;
// console.log(onlythesefileentities);
return onlythesefileentities;
* A method to get all the selected table values from the backup now modal
* @param {string} onlythesetableentities an empty string to append values to
* @return {string} a string that contains the values of all selected table entities and the database the belong to
function backupnow_whichtables_checked(onlythesetableentities){
var send_list = false;
jQuery('#backupnow_database_moreoptions .updraft_db_entity').each(function(index) {
if (!jQuery(this).is(':checked')) { send_list = true; return; }
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked') && jQuery(this).data('non_wp_table')) { send_list = true; return; }
onlythesetableentities = jQuery("input[name^='updraft_include_tables_']").serializeArray();
if (send_list) {
return onlythesetableentities;
} else {
return true;
function updraft_deleteallselected() {
var howmany = 0;
var remote_exists = 0;
var key_all = '';
var nonce_all = '';
var remote_all = 0;
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row.backuprowselected').each(function(index) {
var nonce = jQuery(this).data('nonce');
if (nonce_all) { nonce_all += ','; }
nonce_all += nonce;
var key = jQuery(this).data('key');
if (key_all) { key_all += ','; }
key_all += key;
var has_remote = jQuery(this).find('.updraftplus-remove').data('hasremote');
if (has_remote) remote_all++;
updraft_delete(key_all, nonce_all, remote_all);
* Open main tab which is given as argument
* @param {string} active_tab_key A tab key which you would like to open
function updraft_open_main_tab(active_tab_key) {
updraftlion.main_tabs_keys.forEach(function(tab_key) {
if (active_tab_key == tab_key) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-' + tab_key + '-content').show();
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-' + tab_key).addClass('nav-tab-active');
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-' + tab_key + '-content').hide();
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-' + tab_key).removeClass('nav-tab-active');
updraft_console_focussed_tab = active_tab_key;
* Open an existing backups tab
* @param {Boolean} toggly Whether switch on updraft_historytimer or not
function updraft_openrestorepanel(toggly) {
// jQuery('.download-backups').slideDown(); updraft_historytimertoggle(1); jQuery('html,body').animate({scrollTop: jQuery('#updraft_lastlogcontainer').offset().top},'slow');
function updraft_delete_old_dirs() {
return true;
function updraft_initiate_restore(whichset) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .restore-button button[data-backup_timestamp="'+whichset+'"]').trigger('click');
function updraft_restore_setoptions(entities) {
var howmany = 0;
jQuery('input[name="updraft_restore[]"]').each(function(x,y) {
var entity = jQuery(y).val();
var epat = '\/'+entity+'=([0-9,]+)';
var eregex = new RegExp(epat);
var ematch = entities.match(eregex);
if (ematch) {
jQuery(y).prop('disabled', false).data('howmany', ematch[1]).parent().show();
if ('db' == entity) { howmany += 4.5;}
if (jQuery(y).is(':checked')) {
// This element may or may not exist. The purpose of explicitly calling show() is that Firefox, when reloading (including via forwards/backwards navigation) will remember checkbox states, but not which DOM elements were showing/hidden - which can result in some being hidden when they should be shown, and the user not seeing the options that are/are not checked.
} else {
var cryptmatch = entities.match(/dbcrypted=1/);
if (cryptmatch) {
jQuery('#updraft_restore_db').data('encrypted', 1);
} else {
jQuery('#updraft_restore_db').data('encrypted', 0);
var dmatch = entities.match(/meta_foreign=([12])/);
if (dmatch) {
} else {
* Open the 'Backup Now' dialog box
* @param {string} type - the backup type; either "new" or "incremental"
function updraft_backup_dialog_open(type) {
type = ('undefined' === typeof type) ? 'new' : type;
if (0 == jQuery('#updraftplus_incremental_backup_link').data('incremental') && 'incremental' == type) {
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal .incremental-free-only').show();
type = 'new';
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal .incremental-backups-only, #updraft-backupnow-modal .incremental-free-only').hide();
if (!updraft_settings_form_changed || window.confirm(updraftlion.unsavedsettingsbackup)) {
if ('incremental' == type) {
update_file_entities_checkboxes(true, impossible_increment_entities);
jQuery('#backupnow_includedb').prop('checked', false);
jQuery('#backupnow_includefiles').prop('checked', true);
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal .new-backups-only').hide();
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal .incremental-backups-only').show();
} else {
update_file_entities_checkboxes(false, impossible_increment_entities);
jQuery('#backupnow_includedb').prop('checked', true);
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal .new-backups-only').show();
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal .incremental-backups-only').hide();
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-modal').data('backup-type', type);
* Open the 'Backup Now' dialog box
* @param {string} type - the backup type; either "new" or "incremental"
* This function will enable and disable the file entity options depending on what entities increments can be added to and if this is a new backup or not.
* @param {boolean} incremental - a boolean to indicate if this is an incremental backup or not
* @param {array} entities - an array of entities to disable
function update_file_entities_checkboxes(incremental, entities) {
if (incremental) {
jQuery(entities).each(function (index, entity) {
jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).prop('checked', false);
jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).prop('disabled', true);
} else {
jQuery('#backupnow_includefiles_moreoptions input[type="checkbox"]').each(function (index) {
var name = jQuery(this).attr('name');
if (name.substring(0, 16) != 'updraft_include_') { return; }
var entity = name.substring(16);
if (typeof jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).data('force_disabled') == 'undefined') {
jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).prop('disabled', false);
if (jQuery('#updraft_include_' + entity).is(':checked')) {
jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).prop('checked', true);
} else {
jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).prop('disabled', true);
jQuery('#backupnow_files_updraft_include_' + entity).prop('checked', false);
var onlythesefileentities = backupnow_whichfiles_checked('');
if ('' == onlythesefileentities) {
} else {
var impossible_increment_entities;
var updraft_restore_stage = 1;
var lastlog_lastmessage = "";
var lastlog_lastdata = "";
var lastlog_jobs = "";
// var lastlog_sdata = { action: 'updraft_ajax', subaction: 'lastlog' };
var updraft_activejobs_nextupdate = (new Date).getTime() + 1000;
// Bits: main tab displayed (1); restore dialog open (uses downloader) (2); tab not visible (4)
var updraft_page_is_visible = 1;
var updraft_console_focussed_tab =;
var php_max_input_vars = 0;
var skipped_db_scan = 0;
var updraft_settings_form_changed = false;
var save_button_added = false;
function load_save_button() {
if (updraft_settings_form_changed && !save_button_added) {
save_button_added = true;
// The click event for the save button will be registered every time the button is created. We need to use the 'one' method instead of the 'on' method to make sure the click event is executed only once.
jQuery("#updraft-navtab-settings-content").one('click', '#updraftplus-floating-settings-save', function() {
save_button_added = false;
jQuery("#updraftplus-settings-save").one('click', function() {
save_button_added = false;
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
if (updraft_settings_form_changed) return updraftlion.unsavedsettings;
* N.B. This function works on both the UD settings page and elsewhere
* @param {boolean} firstload Check if this is first load
function updraft_check_page_visibility(firstload) {
if ('hidden' == document["visibilityState"]) {
updraft_page_is_visible = 0;
} else {
updraft_page_is_visible = 1;
if (1 !== firstload) {
if (jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content').length) {
// See for compatibility (we don't bother with prefixes)
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") {
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function() {
updraft_check_page_visibility(0);}, false);
var updraft_poplog_log_nonce;
var updraft_poplog_log_pointer = 0;
var updraft_poplog_lastscroll = -1;
var updraft_last_forced_jobid = -1;
var updraft_last_forced_resumption = -1;
var updraft_last_forced_when = -1;
var updraft_backupnow_nonce = '';
var updraft_activejobslist_backupnownonce_only = 0;
var updraft_inpage_hasbegun = 0;
var updraft_activejobs_update_timer;
var updraft_aborted_jobs = [];
var updraft_clone_jobs = [];
var temporary_clone_timeout;
// Manage backups table selection
var updraft_backups_selection = {};
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart - to keep the doc blocks, as they're considered block comments by phpcs
(function($) {
* Toggle row seletion
* @param {HTMLDomElement|jQuery} el - row element
updraft_backups_selection.toggle = function(el) {
var $el = $(el);
if ($'.backuprowselected')) {
} else {;
* Select row
* @param {HTMLDomElement|jQuery} el - row element
*/ = function(el) {
$(el).find('.backup-select input').prop('checked', true);
* Deselect row
* @param {HTMLDomElement|jQuery} el - row element
updraft_backups_selection.deselect = function(el) {
$(el).find('.backup-select input').prop('checked', false);
* Select all rows
updraft_backups_selection.selectAll = function() {
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row').each(function(index, el) {;
* Deselect all rows
updraft_backups_selection.deselectAll = function() {
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row').each(function(index, el) {
* Actions after a row selection/deselection
updraft_backups_selection.checkSelectionStatus = function() {
var num_rows = $('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row').length;
var num_selected = $('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row.backuprowselected').length;
// toggles actions upon seleted items
if (num_selected > 0) {
$('.js--deselect-all-backups, .js--delete-selected-backups').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$('.js--deselect-all-backups, .js--delete-selected-backups').prop('disabled', true);
// if all rows are selected, check the headind's checkbox
if (num_rows === num_selected) {
$('#cb-select-all').prop('checked', true);
} else {
$('#cb-select-all').prop('checked', false);
// if no backups, hide massaction
if (!num_rows) {
} else {
* Multiple range selection
* @param {HTMLDomElement|jQuery} el - row element
updraft_backups_selection.selectAllInBetween = function(el) {
var idx_start = this.firstMultipleSelectionIndex, idx_end = el.rowIndex-1;
if (this.firstMultipleSelectionIndex > el.rowIndex-1) {
idx_start = el.rowIndex-1; idx_end = this.firstMultipleSelectionIndex;
for (var i=idx_start; i<=idx_end; i++) {$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row').eq(i));
* Multiple range selection event handler that gets executed when hovering the mouse over the row of existing backups. This function highlights the rows with color
updraft_backups_selection.highlight_backup_rows = function() {
if ("undefined" === typeof updraft_backups_selection.firstMultipleSelectionIndex) return;
if (!$(this).hasClass('range-selection') && !$(this).hasClass('backuprowselected')) $(this).addClass('range-selection');
if (updraft_backups_selection.firstMultipleSelectionIndex+1 > this.rowIndex) {
} else if (updraft_backups_selection.firstMultipleSelectionIndex+1 < this.rowIndex) {
* Multiple range selection event handler that gets executed when the user releases the ctrl+shift button, it also gets executed when the mouse pointer is moved out from the browser page
* This function clears all the highlighted rows and removes hover and mouseleave event handlers
updraft_backups_selection.unregister_highlight_mode = function() {
if ("undefined" === typeof updraft_backups_selection.firstMultipleSelectionIndex) return;
delete updraft_backups_selection.firstMultipleSelectionIndex;
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row').removeClass('range-selection range-selection-start');
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content').off('mouseenter', '.updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row', this.highlight_backup_rows);
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content').off('mouseleave', '.updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row', this.highlight_backup_rows);
$(document).off('mouseleave', this.unregister_highlight_mode);
* Register mouseleave and hover event handlers for highlighting purposes
updraft_backups_selection.register_highlight_mode = function() {
$(document).on('mouseleave', updraft_backups_selection.unregister_highlight_mode);
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content').on('mouseenter', '.updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row', updraft_backups_selection.highlight_backup_rows);
$('#updraft-navtab-backups-content').on('mouseleave', '.updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row', updraft_backups_selection.highlight_backup_rows);
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
* Setup migration sections
function setup_migrate_tabs() {
// sets up the section buttons
jQuery('#updraft_migrate .updraft_migrate_widget_module_content').each(function(ind, el) {
var title = jQuery(el).find('h3').first().html();
var intro_container = jQuery('.updraft_migrate_intro');
var button = jQuery('').html(title).appendTo(intro_container);
button.on('click', function(e) {
* Run a backup with show modal with progress.
* @param {Function} success_callback callback function after backup
* @param {String} onlythisfileentity csv list of file entities to be backed up
* @param {Array} extradata any extra data to be added
* @param {Integer} backupnow_nodb Indicate whether the database should be backed up. Valid values: 0, 1
* @param {Integer} backupnow_nofiles Indicate whether any files should be backed up. Valid values: 0, 1
* @param {Integer} backupnow_nocloud Indicate whether the backup should be uploaded to cloud storage. Valid values: 0, 1
* @param {String} label An optional label to be added to a backup
function updraft_backupnow_inpage_go(success_callback, onlythisfileentity, extradata, backupnow_nodb, backupnow_nofiles, backupnow_nocloud, label) {
backupnow_nodb = ('undefined' === typeof backupnow_nodb) ? 0 : backupnow_nodb;
backupnow_nofiles = ('undefined' === typeof backupnow_nofiles) ? 0 : backupnow_nofiles;
backupnow_nocloud = ('undefined' === typeof backupnow_nocloud) ? 0 : backupnow_nocloud;
label = ('undefined' === typeof label) ? updraftlion.automaticbackupbeforeupdate : label;
// N.B. This function should never be called on the UpdraftPlus settings page - it is assumed we are elsewhere. So, it is safe to fake the console-focussing parameter.
updraft_console_focussed_tab = 'backups';
updraft_inpage_success_callback = success_callback;
updraft_activejobs_update_timer = setInterval(function () {
}, 1250);
var updraft_inpage_modal_buttons = {};
var inpage_modal_exists = jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-inpage-modal').length;
if (inpage_modal_exists) {
jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-inpage-modal').dialog('option', 'buttons', updraft_inpage_modal_buttons);
if (inpage_modal_exists) {
updraft_activejobslist_backupnownonce_only = 1;
updraft_inpage_hasbegun = 0;
updraft_backupnow_go(backupnow_nodb, backupnow_nofiles, backupnow_nocloud, onlythisfileentity, extradata, label, '');
function updraft_get_downloaders() {
var downloaders = '';
jQuery('.ud_downloadstatus .updraftplus_downloader, #ud_downloadstatus2 .updraftplus_downloader, #ud_downloadstatus3 .updraftplus_downloader').each(function(x,y) {
var dat = jQuery(y).data('downloaderfor');
if (typeof dat == 'object') {
if (downloaders != '') { downloaders = downloaders + ':'; }
downloaders = downloaders + dat.base + ',' + dat.nonce + ',' + dat.what + ',' + dat.index;
return downloaders;
function updraft_poll_get_parameters() {
var gdata = {
downloaders: updraft_get_downloaders()
try {
if (jQuery('#updraft-poplog').dialog('isOpen')) {
gdata.log_fetch = 1;
gdata.log_nonce = updraft_poplog_log_nonce;
gdata.log_pointer = updraft_poplog_log_pointer
} catch (err) {
if (updraft_activejobslist_backupnownonce_only && typeof updraft_backupnow_nonce !== 'undefined' && '' != updraft_backupnow_nonce) {
gdata.thisjobonly = updraft_backupnow_nonce;
if (0 !== jQuery('#updraftplus_ajax_restore_job_id').length) gdata.updraft_credentialtest_nonce = updraft_credentialtest_nonce;
return gdata;
var updraftplus_activejobs_list_fatal_error_alert = true;
function updraft_activejobs_update(force) {
var $ = jQuery;
var timenow = (new Date).getTime();
if (false == force && timenow < updraft_activejobs_nextupdate) { return; }
updraft_activejobs_nextupdate = timenow + 5500;
var gdata = updraft_poll_get_parameters();
updraft_send_command('activejobs_list', gdata, function(resp, status, response_raw) {
updraft_process_status_check(resp, response_raw, gdata);
}, {
type: 'GET',
error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
if (true === updraftplus_activejobs_list_fatal_error_alert) {
updraftplus_activejobs_list_fatal_error_alert = false;
alert(this.alert_done + ' ' +resp.fatal_error_message);
} else {
var msg = (status == error_code) ? error_code : error_code+" ("+status+")";
return false;
* Shows a modal on success
* @param {string|obj} args The message to display or an object of parameters
function updraft_show_success_modal(args) {
if ('string' == typeof args) {
args = {
message: args
var data = jQuery.extend(
icon: 'yes',
close: updraftlion.close,
message: '',
classes: 'success'
css: {
width: '300px',
border: 'none',
'border-radius': '10px',
left: 'calc(50% - 150px)'
message: '
// close success popup
setTimeout(jQuery.unblockUI, 5000);
jQuery('.blockUI .updraft-close-overlay').on('click', function() {
* Opens a dialog window showing the requested (or latest) log file, plus an option to download it
* @param {string} backup_nonce - the nonce of the log to display, or empty for the latest one
function updraft_popuplog(backup_nonce) {
var loading_message = updraftlion.loading_log_file;
if (backup_nonce) { loading_message += ' (log.'+backup_nonce+'.txt)'; }
jQuery('#updraft-poplog').dialog("option", "title", loading_message);
jQuery('#updraft-poplog-content').html(''+loading_message+' ... ');
updraft_send_command('get_log', backup_nonce, function(resp) {
updraft_poplog_log_pointer = resp.pointer;
updraft_poplog_log_nonce = resp.nonce;
var download_url = '?page=updraftplus&action=downloadlog&force_download=1&updraftplus_backup_nonce='+resp.nonce;
var log_popup_buttons = {};
log_popup_buttons[updraftlion.downloadlogfile] = function() {
window.location.href = download_url; };
log_popup_buttons[updraftlion.close] = function() {
jQuery(this).dialog("close"); };
// Set the dialog buttons: Download log, Close log
jQuery('#updraft-poplog').dialog("option", "buttons", log_popup_buttons);
jQuery('#updraft-poplog').dialog("option", "title", 'log.'+resp.nonce+'.txt');
updraft_poplog_lastscroll = -1;
}, { type: 'GET', timeout: 60000, error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
} else {
var msg = (status == error_code) ? error_code : error_code+" ("+status+")";
function updraft_showlastbackup() {
updraft_send_command('get_fragment', 'last_backup_html', function(resp) {
response = resp.output;
if (lastbackup_laststatus == response) {
setTimeout(function() {
updraft_showlastbackup(); }, 7000);
} else {
lastbackup_laststatus = response;
}, { type: 'GET' });
var updraft_historytimer = 0;
var calculated_diskspace = 0;
var updraft_historytimer_notbefore = 0;
var updraft_history_lastchecksum = false;
function updraft_historytimertoggle(forceon) {
if (!updraft_historytimer || forceon == 1) {
updraft_updatehistory(0, 0);
updraft_historytimer = setInterval(function() {
updraft_updatehistory(0, 0);}, 30000);
if (!calculated_diskspace) {
calculated_diskspace = 1;
} else {
updraft_historytimer = 0;
* Update the HTML for the 'existing backups' table; optionally, after local/remote re-scanning.
* Nothing is returned; any update necessary is performed directly on the DOM.
* @param {Integer} rescan - first, re-scan the local storage (0 or 1)
* @param {Integer} remotescan - first, re-scan the remote storage (you must also set rescan to 1 to use this)
* @param {Integer} debug - if 1, then also request debugging information and log it to the console
* @param {Integer} backup_count - the amount of backups we want to display
function updraft_updatehistory(rescan, remotescan, debug, backup_count) {
if ('undefined' != typeof updraft_restore_screen && updraft_restore_screen) return;
if ('undefined' === typeof debug) {
debug = jQuery('#updraft_debug_mode').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
var unixtime = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
if (1 == rescan || 1 == remotescan) {
updraft_historytimer_notbefore = unixtime + 30;
} else {
if (unixtime < updraft_historytimer_notbefore && 'undefined' === typeof backup_count) {
console.log("Update history skipped: "+unixtime.toString()+" < "+updraft_historytimer_notbefore.toString());
if ('undefined' === typeof backup_count) {
backup_count = 0;
if (rescan == 1) {
if (remotescan == 1) {
updraft_history_lastchecksum = false;
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').html('
var what_op = remotescan ? 'remotescan' : (rescan ? 'rescan' : false);
var data = {
operation: what_op,
debug: debug,
backup_count: backup_count,
updraft_send_command('rescan', data, function(resp) {
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('logs_exist') && resp.logs_exist) {
// Show the "most recently modified log" link, in case it was previously hidden (if there were no logs until now)
jQuery('#updraft_lastlogmessagerow .updraft-log-link').show();
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('migrate_tab') && resp.migrate_tab) {
if (!jQuery('#updraft-navtab-migrate').hasClass('nav-tab-active')) {
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('web_server_disk_space')) {
if ('' == resp.web_server_disk_space) {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: web_server_disk_space is empty");
if (jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft-server-disk-space').length) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft-server-disk-space').slideUp('slow', function() {
} else {
if (jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft-server-disk-space').length) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft-server-disk-space').replaceWith(resp.web_server_disk_space);
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft-disk-space-actions').prepend(resp.web_server_disk_space);
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('backupnow_file_entities')) {
impossible_increment_entities = resp.backupnow_file_entities;
if (resp.n != null) { jQuery('#updraft-existing-backups-heading').html(resp.n); }
if (resp.t != null) {
if (resp.cksum != null) {
if (resp.cksum == updraft_history_lastchecksum) {
// Avoid unnecessarily refreshing the HTML if the data is the same. This helps avoid resetting the DOM (annoying when debugging), and keeps user row selections.
updraft_history_lastchecksum = resp.cksum;
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').html(resp.t);
if ( {
* This function will check if the passed in response contains content for the backup now modal that needs updating on page
* @param {array} response - an array that may contain backupnow_modal content that needs updating
function update_backupnow_modal(response) {
if (response.hasOwnProperty('modal_afterfileoptions')) {
* Exclude entities hidden input field update
* @param {string} include_entity_name - backup entity name
function updraft_exclude_entity_update(include_entity_name) {
var exclude_entities = [];
jQuery('#updraft_include_'+include_entity_name+'_exclude_container .updraft_exclude_entity_wrapper .updraft_exclude_entity_field').each(function() {
var data_val = jQuery(this).data('val').toString().trim();
if ('' != data_val) {
* Check uniqueness of exclude rule in include_backup_file
* @param {string} exclude_rule - exclude rule
* @param {string} include_backup_file - the backup file type on which the exclude_rule will be applied
* @return {boolean} true if exclude_rule is unique otherwise false
function updraft_is_unique_exclude_rule(exclude_rule, include_backup_file) {
existing_exclude_rules_str = jQuery('#updraft_include_'+include_backup_file+'_exclude').val();
existing_exclude_rules = existing_exclude_rules_str.split(',');
if (jQuery.inArray(exclude_rule, existing_exclude_rules) > -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
var updraft_interval_week_val = false;
var updraft_interval_month_val = false;
function updraft_intervals_monthly_or_not(selector_id, now_showing) {
var selector = '#updraft-navtab-settings-content #'+selector_id;
var current_length = jQuery(selector+' option').length;
var is_monthly = ('monthly' == now_showing) ? true : false;
var existing_is_monthly = false;
if (current_length > 10) { existing_is_monthly = true; }
if (!is_monthly && !existing_is_monthly) {
if (is_monthly && existing_is_monthly) {
if ('monthly' == now_showing) {
// existing_is_monthly does not mean the same as now_showing=='monthly'. existing_is_monthly refers to the drop-down, not whether the drop-down is being displayed. We may need to add these words back.
jQuery(selector).before(''' ').after(' '+updraftlion.inthemonth+' ');
if (is_monthly) {
// Save the old value
updraft_interval_week_val = jQuery(selector+' option:selected').val();
jQuery(selector).html(updraftlion.mdayselector).before(''' ').after(' '+updraftlion.inthemonth+' ');
var select_mday = (updraft_interval_month_val === false) ? 1 : updraft_interval_month_val;
// Convert from day of the month (ordinal) to option index (starts at 0)
select_mday = select_mday - 1;
jQuery(selector+" option").eq(select_mday).prop('selected', true);
} else {
// Save the old value
updraft_interval_month_val = jQuery(selector+' option:selected').val();
var select_day = (updraft_interval_week_val === false) ? 1 : updraft_interval_week_val;
jQuery(selector+" option").eq(select_day).prop('selected', true);
function updraft_check_same_times() {
var dbmanual = 0;
var file_interval = jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_interval').val();
if (file_interval == 'manual') {
// jQuery('#updraft_files_timings').css('opacity', '0.25');
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_files_timings').hide();
} else {
// jQuery('#updraft_files_timings').css('opacity', 1);
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_files_timings').show();
if ('weekly' == file_interval || 'fortnightly' == file_interval || 'monthly' == file_interval) {
updraft_intervals_monthly_or_not('updraft_startday_files', file_interval);
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_startday_files').show();
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_startday_files').hide();
var db_interval = jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_interval_database').val();
if (db_interval == 'manual') {
dbmanual = 1;
// jQuery('#updraft_db_timings').css('opacity', '0.25');
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_db_timings').hide();
if ('weekly' == db_interval || 'fortnightly' == db_interval || 'monthly' == db_interval) {
updraft_intervals_monthly_or_not('updraft_startday_db', db_interval);
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_startday_db').show();
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content #updraft_startday_db').hide();
if (db_interval == file_interval) {
// jQuery('#updraft_db_timings').css('opacity','0.25');
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_db_timings').hide();
// jQuery('#updraft_same_schedules_message').show();
if (0 == dbmanual) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_same_schedules_message').show();
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_same_schedules_message').hide();
} else {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_same_schedules_message').hide();
if (0 == dbmanual) {
// jQuery('#updraft_db_timings').css('opacity', '1');
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-settings-content .updraft_db_timings').show();
// Visit the site in the background every 3.5 minutes - ensures that backups can progress if you've got the UD settings page open
if ('undefined' !== typeof updraft_siteurl) {
setInterval(function() {
jQuery.get(updraft_siteurl+'/wp-cron.php');}, 210000);
function updraft_activejobs_delete(jobid) {
updraft_aborted_jobs[jobid] = 1;
updraft_send_command('activejobs_delete', jobid, function(resp) {
var job_row = jQuery('#updraft-jobid-'+jobid).closest('.updraft_row');
if (resp.ok == 'Y') {
// inpage backup - Close modal if canceling backup
if (jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-inpage-modal').dialog('isOpen')) jQuery('#updraft-backupnow-inpage-modal').dialog('close');
message: updraft_active_job_is_clone(jobid) ? updraftlion.clone_backup_aborted : updraftlion.backup_aborted,
icon: 'no-alt',
classes: 'warning'
} else if ('N' == resp.ok) {
} else {
function updraftplus_diskspace_entity(key) {
updraft_send_command('get_fragment', { fragment: 'disk_usage', data: key }, function(response) {
}, { type: 'GET' });
* Checks if the specified job is a clone
* @param {string} job_id The job ID
* @return {int}
function updraft_active_job_is_clone(job_id) {
return updraft_clone_jobs.filter(function(val) {
return val == job_id;
* Open a modal with content fetched from an iframe
* @param {String} getwhat - the subaction parameter to pass to UD's AJAX handler
* @param {String} title - the title for the modal
function updraft_iframe_modal(getwhat, title) {
var width = 780;
var height = 500;
title: title, resizeOnWindowResize: true, scrollWithViewport: true, resizeAccordingToViewport: true, useContentSize: false,
open: function(event, ui) {
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'width', width),
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'minHeight', 260);
if (jQuery(window).height() > height) {
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'height', height);
} else {
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'height', jQuery(window).height()-30);
function updraft_html_modal(showwhat, title, width, height) {
var updraft_html_modal_buttons = {};
if (width < 450) {
updraft_html_modal_buttons[updraftlion.close] = function() {
jQuery(this).dialog("close"); };
title: title, buttons: updraft_html_modal_buttons, resizeOnWindowResize: true, scrollWithViewport: true, resizeAccordingToViewport: true, useContentSize: false,
open: function(event, ui) {
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'width', width),
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'minHeight', 260);
if (jQuery(window).height() > height) {
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'height', height);
} else {
jQuery(this).dialog('option', 'height', jQuery(window).height()-30);
function updraftplus_diskspace() {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_diskspaceused').html(''+updraftlion.calculating+'');
updraft_send_command('get_fragment', { fragment: 'disk_usage', data: 'updraft' }, function(response) {
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_diskspaceused').html(response.output);
}, { type: 'GET' });
var lastlog_lastmessage = "";
function updraftplus_deletefromserver(timestamp, type, findex) {
if (!findex) findex=0;
var pdata = {
stage: 'delete',
timestamp: timestamp,
type: type,
findex: findex
updraft_send_command('updraft_download_backup', pdata, null, { action: 'updraft_download_backup', nonce: updraft_download_nonce, nonce_key: '_wpnonce' });
function updraftplus_downloadstage2(timestamp, type, findex) {
location.href =ajaxurl+'?_wpnonce='+updraft_download_nonce+'×tamp='+timestamp+'&type='+type+'&stage=2&findex='+findex+'&action=updraft_download_backup';
function updraftplus_show_contents(timestamp, type, findex) {
var modal_content = '
' + updraftlion.zip_file_contents_info + ' -
updraft_html_modal(modal_content, updraftlion.zip_file_contents, 780, 500);
zip_files_jstree('zipbrowser', timestamp, type, findex);
* Creates the jstree and makes a call to the backend to dynamically get the tree nodes
* @param {string} entity Entity for the jstree
* @param {integer} timestamp Timestamp of the jstree
* @param {string} type Type of file to display in the JS tree
* @param {array} findex Index of Zip
function zip_files_jstree(entity, timestamp, type, findex) {
"core": {
"multiple": false,
"data": function (nodeid, callback) {
updraft_send_command('get_jstree_directory_nodes', {entity:entity, node:nodeid, timestamp:timestamp, type:type, findex:findex}, function(response) {
if (response.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
} else {, response.nodes);
}, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
"error": function(error) {
"search": {
"show_only_matches": true
"plugins": ["search", "sort"],
// Update modal title once tree loads
jQuery('#updraft_zip_files_jstree').on('ready.jstree', function(e, data) {
jQuery('#updraft-iframe-modal').dialog('option', 'title', updraftlion.zip_file_contents + ': ' + data.instance.get_node('#').children[0])
// Search function for jstree, this will hide nodes that don't match the search
var timeout = false;
jQuery('#zip_files_jstree_search').on('keyup', function () {
if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); }
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
var value = jQuery('#zip_files_jstree_search').val();
}, 250);
// Detect change on the tree and update the input that has been marked as editing
jQuery('#updraft_zip_files_jstree').on("changed.jstree", function (e, data) {
if (data.node.li_attr.size) {
} else {
jQuery('#updraft_zip_download_item').on('click', function(event) {
var path = jQuery('#updraft_zip_path_text').text();
updraft_send_command('get_zipfile_download', {path:path, timestamp:timestamp, type:type, findex:findex}, function(response) {
if (response.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
} else if (response.hasOwnProperty('path')) {
location.href =ajaxurl+'?_wpnonce='+updraft_download_nonce+'×tamp='+timestamp+'&type='+type+'&stage=2&findex='+findex+'&filepath='+response.path+'&action=updraft_download_backup';
} else {
}, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
} else {
var error_message = "updraft_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")";
* This function will clean up the updraft downloader UI
* @param {object} item - the object pressed in the UI
* @param {string} what - the file entity
function remove_updraft_downloader(item, what) {
if (0 == jQuery('.updraftplus_downloader_container_'+what+' .updraftplus_downloader').length) jQuery('.updraftplus_downloader_container_'+what).remove();
* This function will prepare the downloader UI and kick of the request to download the file entities.
* @param {string} base - the base string for the id
* @param {integer} backup_timestamp - the backup timestamp
* @param {string} what - the file entity
* @param {string} whicharea - the area we want to append the downloader
* @param {string} set_contents - the contents we want to download
* @param {string} prettydate - the pretty backup date
* @param {boolean} async - boolean to indicate if this is a async request or not
function updraft_downloader(base, backup_timestamp, what, whicharea, set_contents, prettydate, async) {
if (typeof set_contents !== "string") set_contents = set_contents.toString();
var set_contents = set_contents.split(',');
var prdate = (prettydate) ? prettydate : backup_timestamp;
// Old-style, from when it was a form
// var data = jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .uddownloadform_'+what+'_'+backup_timestamp+'_'+set_contents[i]).serialize();
var nonce = jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .uddownloadform_'+what+'_'+backup_timestamp+'_'+set_contents[0]).data('wp_nonce').toString();
if (!jQuery('.updraftplus_downloader_container_'+what).length) {
jQuery('.updraftplus_downloader_container_' + what).append('' + + ' ' + what + ' (' + prdate + '):');
for (var i = 0; i < set_contents.length; i++) {
// Create somewhere for the status to be found
var stid = base+backup_timestamp+'_'+what+'_'+set_contents[i];
var stid_selector = '.'+stid;
var show_index = parseInt(set_contents[i]); show_index++;
var itext = (0 == set_contents[i]) ? '' : ' ('+show_index+')';
if (!jQuery(stid_selector).length) {
jQuery(stid_selector).data('downloaderfor', { base: base, nonce: backup_timestamp, what: what, index: set_contents[i] });
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery(stid_selector).data('lasttimebegan', (new Date).getTime());
// Now send the actual request to kick it all off
async = async ? true : false;
var data = {
type: what,
timestamp: backup_timestamp,
findex: set_contents
var options = {
action: 'updraft_download_backup',
nonce_key: '_wpnonce',
nonce: nonce,
timeout: 10000,
async: async
updraft_send_command('updraft_download_backup', data, null, options);
// We don't want the form to submit as that replaces the document
return false;
* Parse JSON string, including automatically detecting unwanted extra input and skipping it
* @param {string} json_mix_str - JSON string which need to parse and convert to object
* @param {boolean} analyse - if true, then the return format will contain information on the parsing, and parsing will skip attempting to JSON.parse() the entire string (will begin with trying to locate the actual JSON)
* @throws SyntaxError|String (including passing on what JSON.parse may throw) if a parsing error occurs.
* @returns Mixed parsed JSON object. Will only return if parsing is successful (otherwise, will throw). If analyse is true, then will rather return an object with properties (mixed)parsed, (integer)json_start_pos and (integer)json_end_pos
function ud_parse_json(json_mix_str, analyse) {
analyse = ('undefined' === typeof analyse) ? false : true;
// Just try it - i.e. the 'default' case where things work (which can include extra whitespace/line-feeds, and simple strings, etc.).
if (!analyse) {
try {
var result = JSON.parse(json_mix_str);
return result;
} catch (e) {
console.log('UpdraftPlus: Exception when trying to parse JSON (1) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon first/last curly brackets');
var json_start_pos = json_mix_str.indexOf('{');
var json_last_pos = json_mix_str.lastIndexOf('}');
// Case where some php notice may be added after or before json string
if (json_start_pos > -1 && json_last_pos > -1) {
var json_str = json_mix_str.slice(json_start_pos, json_last_pos + 1);
try {
var parsed = JSON.parse(json_str);
if (!analyse) { console.log('UpdraftPlus: JSON re-parse successful'); }
return analyse ? { parsed: parsed, json_start_pos: json_start_pos, json_last_pos: json_last_pos + 1 } : parsed;
} catch (e) {
console.log('UpdraftPlus: Exception when trying to parse JSON (2) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon bracket counting');
var cursor = json_start_pos;
var open_count = 0;
var last_character = '';
var inside_string = false;
// Don't mistake this for a real JSON parser. Its aim is to improve the odds in real-world cases seen, not to arrive at universal perfection.
while ((open_count > 0 || cursor == json_start_pos) && cursor <= json_last_pos) {
var current_character = json_mix_str.charAt(cursor);
if (!inside_string && '{' == current_character) {
} else if (!inside_string && '}' == current_character) {
} else if ('"' == current_character && '\\' != last_character) {
inside_string = inside_string ? false : true;
last_character = current_character;
console.log("Started at cursor="+json_start_pos+", ended at cursor="+cursor+" with result following:");
console.log(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor));
try {
var parsed = JSON.parse(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor));
console.log('UpdraftPlus: JSON re-parse successful');
return analyse ? { parsed: parsed, json_start_pos: json_start_pos, json_last_pos: cursor } : parsed;
} catch (e) {
// Throw it again, so that our function works just like JSON.parse() in its behaviour.
throw e;
throw "UpdraftPlus: could not parse the JSON";
// Catch HTTP errors if the download status check returns them
jQuery(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, settings, exception) {
if (exception == null || exception == '') return;
if (jqxhr.responseText == null || jqxhr.responseText == '') return;
console.log("Error caught by UpdraftPlus ajaxError handler (follows) for "+settings.url);
if ( == 0) {
// TODO subaction=downloadstatus is no longer used. This should be adjusted to the current set-up.
if ('subaction=downloadstatus') >= 0) {
var timestamp = settings.url.match(/timestamp=\d+/);
var type = settings.url.match(/type=[a-z]+/);
var findex = settings.url.match(/findex=\d+/);
var base = settings.url.match(/base=[a-z_]+/);
findex = (findex instanceof Array) ? parseInt(findex[0].substr(7)) : 0;
type = (type instanceof Array) ? type[0].substr(5) : '';
base = (base instanceof Array) ? base[0].substr(5) : '';
timestamp = (timestamp instanceof Array) ? parseInt(timestamp[0].substr(10)) : 0;
if ('' != base && '' != type && timestamp >0) {
var stid = base+timestamp+'_'+type+'_'+findex;
jQuery('.'+stid+' .raw').html(''+updraftlion.error+' '+updraftlion.servererrorcode);
} else if ('subaction=restore_alldownloaded') >= 0) {
// var timestamp = settings.url.match(/timestamp=\d+/);
jQuery('#updraft-restore-modal-stage2a').append(' '+updraftlion.error+' '+updraftlion.servererrorcode+': '+exception);
function updraft_restorer_checkstage2(doalert) {
// How many left?
var stilldownloading = jQuery('#ud_downloadstatus2 .file').length;
if (stilldownloading > 0) {
if (doalert) { alert(updraftlion.stilldownloading); }
// Allow pressing 'Restore' to proceed
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step').prop('disabled', true);
jQuery('#updraft-restore-modal-stage2a').html(' '+updraftlion.preparing_backup_files);
updraft_send_command('restore_alldownloaded', {
timestamp: jQuery('#updraft_restore_timestamp').val(),
restoreopts: jQuery('#updraft_restore_form').serialize()
}, function(resp, status, data) {
var info = null;
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step').prop('disabled', false);
try {
// var resp = ud_parse_json(data);
if (null == resp) {
var report = resp.m;
if (resp.w != '') {
report = report + '
' + updraftlion.warnings +'
' + resp.w + '
if (resp.e != '') {
report = report + '
' + updraftlion.errors+'
' + resp.e + '
} else {
updraft_restore_stage = 3;
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('i')) {
// Store the information passed back from the backup scan
try {
info = ud_parse_json(resp.i);
// if (info.hasOwnProperty('multisite') && info.multisite && info.hasOwnProperty('same_url') && info.same_url) {
if (info.hasOwnProperty('addui')) {
console.log("Further UI options are being displayed");
var addui = info.addui;
report += '
if (typeof JSON == 'object' && typeof JSON.stringify == 'function') {
// If possible, remove from the stored info, to prevent passing back potentially large amounts of unwanted data
delete info.addui;
resp.i = JSON.stringify(info);
if (info.hasOwnProperty('php_max_input_vars')) {
php_max_input_vars = parseInt(info.php_max_input_vars);
if (info.hasOwnProperty('skipped_db_scan')) {
skipped_db_scan = parseInt(info.skipped_db_scan);
} catch (err) {
} else {
if (jQuery('#updraft-restore-modal-stage2a .updraft_select2').length > 0) {
jQuery('#updraft-restore-modal-stage2a .updraft_select2').select2();
} catch (err) {
jQuery('#updraft-restore-modal-stage2a').text(updraftlion.jsonnotunderstood+' '+updraftlion.errordata+": "+data).html();
}, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
} catch (err) {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: error (follows) when looking for items needing downloading");
// Make sure all are downloaded
} else if (2 == updraft_restore_stage) {
} else if (3 == updraft_restore_stage) {
var continue_restore = 1;
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', true);
$('#updraft_restoreoptions_ui input.required').each(function(index) {
if (continue_restore == 0) return;
var sitename = $(this).val();
if (sitename == '') {
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', false);
continue_restore = 0;
} else if ($(this).attr('pattern') != '') {
var pattern = $(this).attr('pattern');
var re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");
if (!re.test(sitename)) {
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', false);
continue_restore = 0;
if (1 == dbselected) {
anyselected = 0;
jQuery('input[name="updraft_restore_tables_options[]"').each(function (x, y) {
if (jQuery(y).is(':checked') && !jQuery(y).is(':disabled')) anyselected = 1;
if (0 == anyselected && !skipped_db_scan) {
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', false);
if (1 == pluginselected) {
anyselected = 0;
if (!jQuery(".updraftplus_restore_plugins_options_container").length) anyselected = 1;
jQuery('input[name="updraft_restore_plugins_options[]"').each(function (x, y) {
if (jQuery(y).is(':checked') && !jQuery(y).is(':disabled')) anyselected = 1;
if (0 == anyselected) {
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', false);
if (1 == themeselected) {
anyselected = 0;
if (!jQuery(".updraftplus_restore_themes_options_container").length) anyselected = 1;
jQuery('input[name="updraft_restore_themes_options[]"').each(function (x, y) {
if (jQuery(y).is(':checked') && !jQuery(y).is(':disabled')) anyselected = 1;
if (0 == anyselected) {
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', false);
if (1 == moreselected) {
anyselected = 0;
jQuery('input[name="updraft_include_more_index[]"').each(function (x, y) {
if (jQuery(y).is(':checked') && !jQuery(y).is(':disabled')) {
anyselected = 1;
if ('' == jQuery('#updraft_include_more_path_restore' + x).val()) {
if (0 == anyselected) {
jQuery('.updraft-restore--next-step, .updraft-restore--cancel').prop('disabled', false);
if (!continue_restore) return;
var restore_options = $('#updraft_restoreoptions_ui select, #updraft_restoreoptions_ui input').serialize();
// jQuery serialize does not pick up unchecked checkboxes, but we want to include these so that we have a list of table/plugins/themes the user does not want to restore we prepend these with udp-skip-{entity}- and check this on the backend
var entities = ['tables', 'plugins', 'themes'];
jQuery.each(entities, function(i, entity) {
jQuery.each(jQuery('input[name="updraft_restore_' + entity + '_options[]').filter(function(idx) {
return jQuery(this).prop('checked') === false
}), function(idx, el) {
restore_options += '&' + jQuery(el).attr('name') + '=' + 'udp-skip-' + entity + '-' + jQuery(el).val();
console.log("Restore options: "+restore_options);
if (typeof php_max_input_vars !== 'undefined') {
var restore_options_length = restore_options.split("&").length;
var warning_template_start = '
' + updraftlion.warnings +'
var warning_template_end = '
// If we can't detect the php_max_input_vars assume the PHP default of 1000
if (!php_max_input_vars && 1000 <= restore_options_length) {
console.log('Restore options: ' + restore_options_length + ' PHP max input vars not detected; using default: 1000');
} else if (php_max_input_vars && restore_options_length >= php_max_input_vars) {
var warning = '
'); // Removed (just before closing ) to make clearer it's complete.
jQuery('#' + + " .fileprogress").width(file.percent + "%");
uploader.bind('Error', function(up, error) {
var err_makesure;
if (error.code == "-200") {
err_makesure = '\n'+updraftlion.makesure2;
} else {
err_makesure = updraftlion.makesure;
var msg = updraftlion.uploaderr+' (code '+error.code+') : '+error.message;
if (error.hasOwnProperty('status') && error.status) {
msg += ' ('+updraftlion.http_code+' '+error.status+')';
if (error.hasOwnProperty('response')) {
console.log('UpdraftPlus: plupload error: '+error.response);
if (error.response.length < 100) msg += ' '+updraftlion.error+' '+error.response+'\n';
msg += ' '+err_makesure;
// a file was uploaded
uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up, file, response) {
if (response.status == '200') {
// this is your ajax response, update the DOM with it or something...
try {
resp = ud_parse_json(response.response);
if (resp.e) {
alert(updraftlion.uploaderror+" "+resp.e);
} else if ( {
updraft_updatehistory(1, 0);
} else if (resp.m) {
updraft_updatehistory(1, 0);
} else {
alert('Unknown server response: '+response.response);
} catch (err) {
} else {
alert('Unknown server response status: '+response.code);
// Functions in the debugging console
jQuery('#updraftplus_httpget_go').on('click', function(e) {
jQuery('#updraftplus_httpget_gocurl').on('click', function(e) {
jQuery('#updraftplus_callwpaction_go').on('click', function(e) {
params = { wpaction: jQuery('#updraftplus_callwpaction').val() };
updraft_send_command('call_wordpress_action', params, function(response) {
if (response.e) {
} else if (response.s) {
// Silence
} else if (response.r) {
} else {
function updraftplus_httpget_go(curl) {
params = { uri: jQuery('#updraftplus_httpget_uri').val() };
params.curl = curl;
updraft_send_command('httpget', params, function(resp) {
if (resp.e) { alert(resp.e); }
if (resp.r) {
} else {
}, { type: 'GET' });
jQuery('#updraft_activejobs_table, #updraft-navtab-migrate-content').on('click', '.updraft_jobinfo_delete', function(e) {
var job_id = jQuery(this).data('jobid');
if (job_id) {
} else {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: A stop job link was clicked, but the Job ID could not be found");
jQuery('#updraft_activejobs_table, #updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups, #updraft-backupnow-inpage-modal, #updraft-navtab-migrate-content').on('click', '.updraft-log-link', function(e) {
var file_id = jQuery(this).data('fileid');
var job_id = jQuery(this).data('jobid');
if (file_id) {
} else if (job_id) {
} else {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: A log link was clicked, but the Job ID could not be found");
function updraft_restore_setup(entities, key, show_data) {
updraft_restore_stage = 1;
// jQuery('#updraft-restore-modal').dialog('open');;
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('click', 'button.choose-components-button', function(e) {
var entities = jQuery(this).data('entities');
var backup_timestamp = jQuery(this).data('backup_timestamp');
var show_data = jQuery(this).data('showdata');
updraft_restore_setup(entities, backup_timestamp, show_data);
* Get the value of a named URL parameter -
* @param {string} name - URL parameter to return the value of
* @returns {string}
function get_parameter_by_name(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regex_s = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regex_s);
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (results == null) {
return '';
} else {
return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
if (get_parameter_by_name('udaction') == 'initiate_restore') {
var entities = get_parameter_by_name('entities');
var backup_timestamp = get_parameter_by_name('backup_timestamp');
var show_data = get_parameter_by_name('showdata');
updraft_restore_setup(entities, backup_timestamp, show_data);
var updraft_upload_modal_buttons = {};
updraft_upload_modal_buttons[updraftlion.uploadbutton] = function () {
var key = jQuery('#updraft_upload_timestamp').val();
var nonce = jQuery('#updraft_upload_nonce').val();
var services = '';
var send_list = false;
jQuery('.updraft_remote_storage_destination').each(function (index) {
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked')) { send_list = true; }
if (!send_list) {
} else {
services = jQuery("input[name^='updraft_remote_storage_destination_']").serializeArray();
updraft_send_command('upload_local_backup', {
use_nonce: nonce,
use_timestamp: key,
services: services
updraft_upload_modal_buttons[updraftlion.cancel] = function () {
autoOpen: false, modal: true, resizeOnWindowResize: true, scrollWithViewport: true, resizeAccordingToViewport: true, useContentSize: false,
open: function(event, ui) {
$(this).dialog('option', 'width', 308);
if (jQuery(window).height() > 460) {
$(this).dialog('option', 'height', 318);
} else if (jQuery(window).height() > 250 && jQuery(window).height() < 461) {
$(this).dialog('option', 'height', 460);
} else {
$(this).dialog('option', 'height', jQuery(window).height() - 20);
buttons: updraft_upload_modal_buttons
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('click', 'button.updraft-upload-link', function (e) {
var nonce = jQuery(this).data('nonce').toString();
var key = jQuery(this).data('key').toString();
var services = jQuery(this).data('services').toString();
if (nonce) {
updraft_upload(key, nonce, services);
} else {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: A upload link was clicked, but the Job ID could not be found");
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('click', '.updraft-load-more-backups', function (e) {
var backup_count = parseInt(jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups .updraft_existing_backups_row').length) + parseInt(updraftlion.existing_backups_limit);
updraft_updatehistory(0, 0, 0, backup_count);
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('click', '.updraft-load-all-backups', function (e) {
updraft_updatehistory(0, 0, 0, 9999999);
* Opens the dialog box for confirmation of where to upload the backup
* @param {string} key - The UNIX timestamp of the backup
* @param {string} nonce - The backup job ID
* @param {string} services - A list of services that have not been uploaded to yet
function updraft_upload(key, nonce, services) {
var services_array = services.split(",");
jQuery('.updraft_remote_storage_destination').each(function (index) {
var name = jQuery(this).val();
if (jQuery.inArray(name, services_array) == -1) {
jQuery(this).prop('checked', false);
jQuery(this).prop('disabled', true);
var label = $(this).prop("labels");
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('click', '.updraft-delete-link', function(e) {
var hasremote = jQuery(this).data('hasremote');
var nonce = jQuery(this).data('nonce').toString();
var key = jQuery(this).data('key').toString();
if (nonce) {
updraft_delete(key, nonce, hasremote);
} else {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: A delete link was clicked, but the Job ID could not be found");
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('click', 'button.updraft_download_button', function(e) {
var base = 'uddlstatus_';
var backup_timestamp = jQuery(this).data('backup_timestamp');
var what = jQuery(this).data('what');
var whicharea = '.ud_downloadstatus';
var set_contents = jQuery(this).data('set_contents');
var prettydate = jQuery(this).data('prettydate');
var async = true;
updraft_downloader(base, backup_timestamp, what, whicharea, set_contents, prettydate, async);
jQuery('#updraft-navtab-backups-content .updraft_existing_backups').on('dblclick', '.updraft_existingbackup_date', function (e) {
var nonce = jQuery(this).data('nonce').toString();
var timestamp = jQuery(this).data('timestamp').toString();
updraft_send_command('rawbackup_history', { timestamp: timestamp, nonce: nonce }, function (response) {
if (response.hasOwnProperty('rawbackup')) {
var textArea = document.createElement('textarea');
textArea.innerHTML = response.rawbackup;
updraft_html_modal(textArea.value, updraftlion.raw, 780, 500);
} else {
updraft_html_modal(updraftlion.jsonnotunderstood, updraftlion.raw, 780, 500);
}, { type: 'POST' });
uploader.bind('UploadProgress', function(up, file) {
jQuery('#' + + " .fileprogress").width(file.percent + "%");
jQuery('#' + + " span").html(plupload.formatSize(parseInt(file.size * file.percent / 100)));
uploader.bind('Error', function(up, error) {
if ('-200' == error.code) {
err_makesure = '\n'+updraftlion.makesure2;
} else {
err_makesure = updraftlion.makesure;
alert(updraftlion.uploaderr+' (code '+error.code+") : "+error.message+" "+err_makesure);
// a file was uploaded
uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up, file, response) {
if (response.status == '200') {
// this is your ajax response, update the DOM with it or something...
if (response.response.substring(0,6) == 'ERROR:') {
alert(updraftlion.uploaderror+" "+response.response.substring(6));
} else if (response.response.substring(0,3) == 'OK:') {
bkey = response.response.substring(3);
jQuery('#' + + " .fileprogress").hide();
jQuery('#' +' '+updraftlion.followlink+' '+updraftlion.thiskey+' '+jQuery('#updraftplus_db_decrypt').val().replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">"));
} else {
alert(updraftlion.unknownresp+' '+response.response);
} else {
alert(updraftlion.ukrespstatus+' '+response.code);
* A Handlebarsjs helper function that is used to compare
* two values if they are equal. Please refer to the example below.
* Assuming "comment_status" contains the value of "spam".
* @param {mixed} a The first value to compare
* @param {mixed} b The second value to compare
* @example
* // returns "I am spam!", otherwise "I am not a spam!"
* {{#ifeq "spam" comment_status}}
* I am spam!
* {{else}}
* I am not a spam!
* {{/ifeq}}
* @return {string}
Handlebars.registerHelper('ifeq', function (a, b, opts) {
if ('string' !== typeof a && 'undefined' !== typeof a && null !== a) a = a.toString();
if ('string' !== typeof b && 'undefined' !== typeof b && null !== b) b = b.toString();
if (a === b) {
return opts.fn(this);
} else {
return opts.inverse(this);
* Handlebars helper function to replace all password chars into asterisk char
* @param {string} password Required. The plain-text password
* @return {string}
Handlebars.registerHelper('maskPassword', function(password) {
return password.replace(/./gi,'*');
* Handlebars helper function that wraps javascript encodeURIComponent so that it could encode the following characters: , / ? : @ & = + $ #
* @param {string} uri Required. The URI to be encoded
Handlebars.registerHelper('encodeURIComponent', function(uri) {
return encodeURIComponent(uri);
* Handlebars helper function to compare two values using a specified operator
* @see
* @param {mixed} v1 the first value to compare
* @param {mixed} v2 the second value to compare
* @return {boolean} true if the first value matched against the second value, false otherwise
Handlebars.registerHelper('ifCond', function(v1, operator, v2, options) {
switch (operator) {
case '==':
return (v1 == v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '===':
return (v1 === v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '!=':
return (v1 != v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '!==':
return (v1 !== v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '<':
return (v1 < v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '<=':
return (v1 <= v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '>':
return (v1 > v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '>=':
return (v1 >= v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '&&':
return (v1 && v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case '||':
return (v1 || v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case 'typeof':
return (v1 === typeof v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
case 'not_typeof':
return (v1 !== typeof v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return options.inverse(this);
* Handlebars helper function for looping through a block of code a specified number of times
* @param {mixed} from the start value
* @param {mixed} to the end value where the loop will stop
* @param {mixed} incr the increment number
* @return {mixed} the current processing number
Handlebars.registerHelper('for', function(from, to, incr, block) {
var accum = '';
for (var i = from; i < to; i += incr)
accum += block.fn(i);
return accum;
* Assign value into a variable
* @param {string} name the variable name
* @param {mixed} val the value
Handlebars.registerHelper('set_var', function(name, val, options) {
if (! { = {};
}[name] = val;
* Get length of an array/object
* @param {mixed} object the object
Handlebars.registerHelper('get_length', function(object) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof object && false === object instanceof Array) {
return Object.keys(object).length;
} else if (true === object instanceof Array) {
return object.length;
} else {
return 0;
* Return a space-separated list of CSS classes suitable for rows in the configuration section
* @see UpdraftPlus_BackupModule::get_css_classes()
* @param {boolean} include_instance a boolean value to indicate if we want to include the instance_id in the css class, we may not want to include the instance if it's for a UI element that we don't want to be removed along with other UI elements that do include a instance id
* @return {string} the list of CSS classes
Handlebars.registerHelper('get_template_css_classes', function(include_instance, options) {
var css_classes = + ' ' +;
if (!include_instance || !['is_multi_options_feature_supported']) return css_classes;
if (['is_config_templates_feature_supported']) {
css_classes += ' ' + + '-' +;
} else {
css_classes += ' ' + + '-' +;
return css_classes;
* Output the value of an id or name attribute, as if currently within an input tag
* This assumes standardised options handling (i.e. that the options array is updraft_(method-id))
* @see UpdraftPlus_BackupModule::output_settings_field_name_and_id()
* @param {string} input_attribute The attribute of an input tag
* @param {mixed} fields the field identifiers
* @return {string} a specific value to the given input attribute
Handlebars.registerHelper('get_template_input_attribute_value', function(input_attribute, fields, options) {
var instance_id =['is_config_templates_feature_supported'] ? :;
var id = ename = '';
var method_id =;
try {
fields = JSON.parse(fields);
} catch (e) {}
if ("undefined" !== typeof fields && Array === fields.constructor) {
for (var i=0; i \
// Add remote methods html using handlebarjs
if ($('#remote-storage-holder').length) {
var html = '';
var not_instance_ids = ['default', 'template_properties'];
for (var method in updraftlion.remote_storage_templates) {
if ('undefined' != typeof updraftlion.remote_storage_options[method] && not_instance_ids.length < Object.keys(updraftlion.remote_storage_options[method]).length) {
var template = Handlebars.compile(updraftlion.remote_storage_templates[method]);
for (var partial_template_name in updraftlion.remote_storage_partial_templates[method]) {
Handlebars.registerPartial(partial_template_name, Handlebars.compile(updraftlion.remote_storage_partial_templates[method][partial_template_name]));
var first_instance = true;
var instance_count = 1;
for (var instance_id in updraftlion.remote_storage_options[method]) {
if (not_instance_ids.indexOf(instance_id) > -1) continue;
var context = {}; // Initiate a reference by assigning an empty object to a variable (in this case the context variable) so that it can be used as a target of merging one or more other objects. Unlike basic values (boolean, string, integer, etc.), in Javascript objects and arrays are passed by reference
// copy what are in the template properties to the context overwriting the same object properties, and then copy what are in the instance settings to the context overwriting all the same properties from the previous merging operation (if any). The context properties are overwritten by other objects that have the same properties later in the parameters order
Object.assign(context, updraftlion.remote_storage_options[method]['template_properties'], updraftlion.remote_storage_options[method][instance_id]);
if ('undefined' == typeof context['instance_conditional_logic']) {
context['instance_conditional_logic'] = {
type: '', // always by default
rules: [],
context['instance_conditional_logic'].day_of_the_week_options = updraftlion.conditional_logic.day_of_the_week_options;
context['instance_conditional_logic'].logic_options = updraftlion.conditional_logic.logic_options;
context['instance_conditional_logic'].operand_options = updraftlion.conditional_logic.operand_options;
context['instance_conditional_logic'].operator_options = updraftlion.conditional_logic.operator_options;
context['first_instance'] = first_instance;
if ('undefined' == typeof context['instance_enabled']) {
context['instance_enabled'] = 1;
if ('undefined' == typeof context['instance_label'] || '' == context['instance_label']) {
var method_name = updraftlion.remote_storage_methods[method];
var instance_label = ' (' + instance_count + ')';
if (1 == instance_count) {
instance_label = '';
context['instance_label'] = method_name + instance_label;
html += template(context);
first_instance = false;
} else {
html += updraftlion.remote_storage_templates[method];
$('#remote-storage-holder').append(html).ready(function () {
// Displays warning to the user of their mistake if they try to enter a URL in the OneDrive settings and saved
$('#remote-storage-holder .updraftplus_onedrive_folder_input').trigger('keyup');
// Save/Export/Import settings via AJAX
jQuery(function($) {
// Pre-load the image so that it doesn't jerk when first used
var my_image = new Image();
my_image.src = updraftlion.ud_url+'/images/notices/updraft_logo.png';
// When inclusion options for file entities in the settings tab, reflect that in the "Backup Now" dialog, to prevent unexpected surprises
$('#updraft-navtab-settings-content input.updraft_include_entity').on('change', function(e) {
var event_target = $(this).attr('id');
var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var backup_target = '#backupnow_files_'+event_target;
$(backup_target).prop('checked', checked);
$('#updraftplus-settings-save').on('click', function(e) {
css: {
width: '300px',
border: 'none',
'border-radius': '10px',
left: 'calc(50% - 150px)',
padding: '20px',
message: '
var updraft_import_file_input = document.getElementById('import_settings');
if (updraft_import_file_input.files.length == 0) {
var updraft_import_file_file = updraft_import_file_input.files[0];
var updraft_import_file_reader = new FileReader();
updraft_import_file_reader.onload = function() {
function export_settings() {
var form_data = gather_updraft_settings('object');
var date_now = new Date();
// The 'version' attribute indicates the last time the format changed - i.e. do not update this unless there is a format change
form_data = JSON.stringify({
version: '1.12.40',
epoch_date: date_now.getTime(),
local_date: date_now.toLocaleString(),
network_site_url: updraftlion.network_site_url,
data: form_data
// Attach this data to an anchor on page
var link = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));
link.setAttribute('download', updraftlion.export_settings_file_name);
link.setAttribute('style', "display:none;");
link.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/json' + ';charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(form_data));;
function import_settings(updraft_file_result) {
var parsed;
try {
parsed = ud_parse_json(updraft_file_result);
} catch (e) {
if (window.confirm(updraftlion.importing_data_from + ' ' + parsed['network_site_url'] + "\n" + updraftlion.exported_on + ' ' + parsed['local_date'] + "\n" + updraftlion.continue_import)) {
// GET the settings back to the AJAX handler
var stringified = JSON.stringify(parsed['data']);
updraft_send_command('importsettings', {
settings: stringified,
updraftplus_version: updraftlion.updraftplus_version,
}, function(decoded_response, status, response) {
var resp = updraft_handle_page_updates(decoded_response);
if (!resp.hasOwnProperty('saved') || resp.saved) {
// Prevent the user being told they have unsaved settings
updraft_settings_form_changed = false;
// Add page updates etc based on response
} else {
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('error_message') && resp.error_message) {
}, { action: 'updraft_importsettings', nonce: updraftplus_settings_nonce, error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) {
} else {
var error_message = "updraft_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")";
} else {
* Retrieve the current settings from the DOM
* @param {string} output_format - the output format; valid values are 'string' or 'object'
* @returns String|Object
function gather_updraft_settings(output_format) {
var form_data = '';
var output_format = ('undefined' === typeof output_format) ? 'string' : output_format;
if ('object' == output_format) {
// Excluding the unnecessary 'action' input avoids triggering a very mis-conceived mod_security rule seen on one user's site
form_data = $("#updraft-navtab-settings-content form input[name!='action'][name!='option_page'][name!='_wpnonce'][name!='_wp_http_referer'], #updraft-navtab-settings-content form textarea, #updraft-navtab-settings-content form select, #updraft-navtab-settings-content form input[type=checkbox]").serializeJSON({checkboxUncheckedValue: '0', useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: true});
} else {
// Excluding the unnecessary 'action' input avoids triggering a very mis-conceived mod_security rule seen on one user's site
form_data = $("#updraft-navtab-settings-content form input[name!='action'], #updraft-navtab-settings-content form textarea, #updraft-navtab-settings-content form select").serialize();
// include unchecked checkboxes. user filter to only include unchecked boxes.
$.each($('#updraft-navtab-settings-content form input[type=checkbox]')
.filter(function(idx) {
return $(this).prop('checked') == false
function(idx, el) {
// attach matched element names to the form_data with chosen value.
var empty_val = '0';
form_data += '&' + $(el).attr('name') + '=' + empty_val;
return form_data;
* Method to parse the response from the backend and update the page with the returned content or display error messages if failed
* @param {array} resp - the JSON-decoded response containing information to update the settings page with
* @param {string} response - the JSON-encoded response containing information to update the settings page with
* @return {object} - the decoded response (empty if decoding was not successful)
function updraft_handle_page_updates(resp, response) {
try {
var messages = resp.messages;
// var debug = resp.changed.updraft_debug_mode;
// If backup dir is not writable, change the text, and grey out the 'Backup Now' button
var backup_dir_writable = resp.backup_dir.writable;
var backup_dir_message = resp.backup_dir.message;
var backup_button_title = resp.backup_dir.button_title;
} catch (e) {
return {};
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('changed')) {
console.log("UpdraftPlus: savesettings: some values were changed after being filtered");
for (prop in resp.changed) {
if ('object' === typeof resp.changed[prop]) {
for (innerprop in resp.changed[prop]) {
if (!$("[name='"+innerprop+"']").is(':checkbox')) {
} else {
if (!$("[name='"+prop+"']").is(':checkbox')) {
if (false == backup_dir_writable) {
$('#updraft-backupnow-button').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#updraft-backupnow-button').attr('title', backup_button_title);
$('.backupdirrow').css('display', 'table-row');
} else {
$('#updraft-backupnow-button').prop('disabled', false);
// $('.backupdirrow').hide();
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('updraft_include_more_path')) {
if (resp.hasOwnProperty('backup_now_message')) { $('#backupnow_remote_container').html(resp.backup_now_message); }
// Move from 2 to 1
// $('#updraft-next-backup-inner').html(resp.scheduled);
return resp;
* This function has the workings for checking if any cloud storage needs authentication
* If so, these are amended to the HTML and the popup is shown to the users.
function check_cloud_authentication(){
var show_auth_modal = false;
jQuery("div[class*=updraft_authenticate_] a.updraft_authlink").each(function () {
var pretext = jQuery(this).data('pretext');
if ('undefined' === typeof pretext) pretext = '';